Our Library

Our Library

Classes are timetabled to visit the Library each week to browse and exchange books for borrowing.
The Library is also available for students to work in throughout the day.  Please check the bookings or see Sue.

The Library is open at lunchtime 1.00 - 1.25 and is an enjoyable place for quiet reading or relaxing.

Borrowing from the Library

Years 1-4 can borrow 4 books and Years 5-8 can borrow 5.  These books are issued for 2 weeks and can be reissued if there are no reserves on that book.

New Books

Every week 15 new books are displayed on the 'New Books' shelf.  These can be read and reserved but not issued.  

Reserved Books

You can reserve a book at any time, when it becomes available it will be placed on the 'Reserves' shelf. 


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